New: Easily keep an eye on the markets

June 20, 2023  |  Scalable Capital
Asset Overview-Markets 1920 EN
Get a full overview of the markets: with the most relevant indices displayed directly in the Scalable Broker.

The markets overview is available on web and iOS.

Are the markets rising or falling? How is the US developing and how are emerging markets stocks doing? All this can be seen in familiar indices to be found in the new markets overview. So that you never miss a market move.

What is an index?

An index reflects the performance of a specific market. Typically, the performance of a basket of stocks is measured for this purpose. The well-known benchmark index MSCI World, for example, indicates the performance of more than 1,500 listed companies from industrialized countries and thus represents a large part of the global economy. In general, indices are a simple but useful tool to get information about the situation in a certain economic region or industry. You can find a detailed explanation in our knowledge article.

Available indices

There are a variety of indices available in the markets overview in the Scalable Broker. These cover regional as well as international markets, commodities, and currency pairs. Here are some examples of which indices are displayed:



Oil (Brent)

Shows the price of a barrel of oil in US dollars


Shows the price for one troy ounce of gold in US dollars


Shows how many US dollars you get for €1


Covers 85% of the complete market capitalization in France


Covers 85% of the complete market capitalization in Germany

US 30

Covers the 30 largest American stock exchange companies

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Author Scalable Capital
Scalable Capital
Broker with flat rate
Scalable Capital is a leading fintech in Europe that brings people and technology-based investing together. Scalable Capital offers a broker with a trading flat rate that enables customers to trade shares, ETFs, cryptocurrencies and funds themselves and to conclude savings plans.